Monday, September 12

We are trying to follow the Torah(instructions for living) just as God gave it to Moses, back at Mt. Sinai.  We are just starting out , a little here and a little there, building up and taking it all in, trying to do what the Father in Heaven wants us to do

When Christ was born, all of those that followed the Messiah,  the 1st century believers were doing the same things. Following G-d who taught Torah, and Yeshua (Jesus)  learned, followed and taught Torah, all his followers, like Paul, LOVED Torah. You see, Torah is just the first five books, the word means "instruction". My point is that it makes perfect sense to me, now after much discussion and study, several things. So much that I consider myself a hebraic follower of Yeshua. Using his hebrew names, not what the greeks called him, he was a JEW after all. Get over it, most churches don't want you to know that, but its true. Several things I have recently discovered:

One, you cannot expect for a book to make sense, if you only consider 1/2 of it to matter to the ending. (Christians think that only the NT is really important), think about that....

Secondly, when Yeshua died, he did not want to find a new religion(Christianity). He was sent and died, to get peoples attention, so he and other prophets of that time kept the commandments, He came to earth to "show us how it's supposed to be done, for all our generations. He kept Shabbat also,(Sabbath on the 7th day) as is instituted in the 10 commandments. He kept all the biblical holidays too. Think on this for awhile....

It got changed over the course of years by the Roman Catholic church, and variations of mans traditions and man's ways. Through the Roman Constantine, wanted everything HIS way, so he changed Saturday sabbath to Sunday, and the holidays all got changed to pagan ones, just to suit him, because HE wanted to be in charge, not GOD!, (What happened in the Garden of eden when Adam and Eve wanted to be smart as or more than GOD?) think about that....

So if you are keeping Sunday "Sabbath", then you are against all that G-d and Yeshua (Jesus) taught in his life on earth, and what was followed for years after His death! It may be the Lord's day, but it is NOT God's hallowed and blessed Sabbath, as it states in the 4th commandment, in Exodus 20! That is the time it is told WHEN we should worship, and why, and what we are to do and not to do. Matter of fact it is the only commandement he expounded on literally!

I challenge you! If you do your homework and ask God(Yahweh) to show you the correct way to worship, you will see it too..Look it up, read your Bible. Don't just listen and fall asleep as the "pastor" of your church tells you what is in there. Don't you love the Lord with all your soul and all your heart and mind enough to look it up yourself!? This means man made holidays,(Christmas, Easter, etc...) and ways of life including Shabbat. The Bible states in the 10 commandments, that "you shall keep MY commandments and you shall keep MY sabbath. His Sabbath, Shabbat in Hebrew, is HIS day of rest. And what day was that that he stopped creating the world? the SEVENTH! , we should not celebrate Sabbath on Sunday. That is not the Sabbath that He commanded we keep throughout all (ALL) our generations. I think that word all means everyone...I looked it up: All~ (awl) adj. 1, whole amount. 2. entire number, any whatever, 3. all concerned 4. everyone of....I could go on, but yep it means all of US. I want blessings and abundance which God has promised for those that love him, and DO His commandments. I don't want curses and punishment which He has promised for those that DON'T follow him. It's pretty much in the OT(old testament) and the NT (new testament), all the way into the end, Revelation (a warning), "For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; if anyone takes away the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city and from the things which are written in this book". In the book of John ~ "He who says "I know Him" and does not keep His commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him".

I really believe that this is a HUGE part of why our country is going down hill fast! The people that think they are "called" by His name, have not humbled themselves, they are busy trying to "make excuses" as to why they keep Sunday sabbath (well Christ arose on Sunday) actually if you look it up, it says that the "women went with their spices after sabbath was over, meaning they were going to celebrate Havdalah, the separation between the sacred and profane, and anoint Yeshua, in the tomb, but HE WAS GONE, that being Saturday night!Or , they say, well "the disciples broke bread on Sunday therefore it was supposed to be a day of worship.  Wrong again, they did that as a matter of community, but not as a worship practice and it did NOT say they did this on a regular basis, where as the Sabbath is an ongoing day, to be celebrated throughout our generations..... And they are saying well "that isnt what it means to me?" Or , "well, we use all those things but we dedicate them to Christ", REALLY??????? What would my hubby say if I said, "well honey, Im gonna celebrate your birthday on my ex's birthday, just cuz its easier to remember, and I'm thinking about you, and buying you gifts! ??????  I don't think YHVH likes it well either!!!! We need to stop this nonsense..It should matter what it means to Yeshua! not us...., again, when I read about how they "the gentiles" found the trees in the forest and cut them down and decorated them with silver and gold, etc...., to their gods, uhhhhh NOT for Jesus (yeshua). We are a blasphemous people, thinking we are doing what is right and holy, but if you look it up, we are NOT! NO wonder God is unhappy at the world, look what happened in the early Bible days, to all that didnt listen to God!  And we just say, well we arent' THAT bad...but are we?  Look at what we are doing? People get upset over trees being chopped down, animal rights, etc, but no one really cares about GODS rights, !!! as long as we can have all our little trees, and decorations and Easter bunnies, and Santa Claus What would we do with out that?????? Then "lying" about Santa, and buying gifts if they are good or bad, should matter what God thinks if you are good or bad, because the time is coming where it will matter, and Santa won't have anything to do with it!!!!! I am trying to follow the Bible as it states in the Torah and the NT(New Testament), nothing added to it, nothing taken away from it! Plain and simple...He is going to flip his lid at the some 38,000 christian churches out there that are taking away, putting in their own little things, this and that, some that are just way off by miles!!!! We need to get back to the original Bible, the one that is totally inspired by GOD! the Almighty . CREATOR of the Universe!!!! And serving NO ONE ELSE.

Look into the Torah, it will tell you what to do....Feast of Tabernacles, Yom Teruah(Rosh Hashanah), Feast of Unleavned Bread, Passover, and Feast of Dedicaiton, Hannukah! and more.... there is plenty to celebrate in the BIBLE, that is not pagan worship that we have been doing for thousands of years...Maybe its time to turn from the gods of Paganism and turn to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,and humble ourselves and pray, and we will hear from heaven and He will heal our LAND.  We just started going back to the past recently, because of some of the things that the churches are teaching and NOT teaching, and we have been blessed and shown ways from HIM like you wouldn't is amazing, but you have to TRUST in HIM totally for alll you ways and sustenance, letting go of everything else, He will show you marvelous things.... Shalom!

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