I'm not proselytizing, or any such thing, but just a comment..... if you have never tried just leaving it all down for 24 hours...you should try it. It will make you restored like you never would believe..no work, no rushing here and there, no craziness, just peace and tranquility for a whole day! Easy to do, you just have to try it...you just redo your week so that everything gets done before Friday night (for us), til Sat night( or do it all in 6 days, just like God did, when he created the earth) the 7th day is rest! all disciplining yourself......no bill paying or talking of them, no making money or using money(unless emergency, hospital God forbid etc....), nothing that HAS TO BE DONE THIS MOMENT.! Time to reflect on the good and what is good, and take time to be thankful and celebrate all that we do have and the Creator that gave it to us....Thanks be to our Creator and Heavenly Father for time to rest, just as he did....You ever wonder why we have so many problems in our lives and stuff, maybe its because we don't take the time to stop and rest..Truly.....
I remember being a youngster at school in California, and I remember they would ring the bell and it meant everyone should be out on the playground, where they would salute the flag and play the natl anthem and say the pledge of allegiance...it always seemed that everyone would literally put their hand over their chest, say it and RUN back to the class room! That is what life sometimes seems like it is in most peoples lives...They stop for a split second to say "thanks God!", but then, OK WERE DONE HERE< MOVIN ON!, REALLY????? Is that all you say is a quick thanks? or maybe a quick bow of the head, over a meal even??? I am not perfect, but I try to say thanks when waking, and when getting ready to sleep. I try to say it at most meals, and especially during the day as I think about all that I have and how so many have so much less. In all things give thanks for this is the will of God..... I try to , even though I am not perfect in any way, shape or form.....
Shabbat Shalom, and blessings to all....Hugs ~
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