Sunday, January 22

Prayers answered...

On Friday, about 3:00, I was out shoveling snow off our front deck. The rest of the snow, was in the yard and on my car ways, that I will let the pictures speak for itself.

As I was "shoveling", I knew that soon in about an hour, would be our Sabbath. When we try to not conduct any business, or do any work, that we usually do. Sooooo,  when I was out there, I prayed, "Father, can you not let it snow, until after Sabbath, as I want to honor you, but if it's  like it's been, and we don't shovel, we can't get out the door, and it could pile up fast".

Well, Sabbath came, and Saturday rolled around, very light dusting from the wind in the trees, (blowing snow off of them).  After Sabbath, about 6 pm, guess what? The snow started again, and came down for hours... the pics are before Friday night....

We serve an AMAZING God!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Isn't that just COOL how G-d works!!! I miss snow.

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