Saturday, July 28

Stumble pie, I'll have a piece, no make it two...

Today is Shabbat, which means it is Saturday. I was thinking and studying my HaYesod program , today I was just doing some followup study though. For those that don't know, HaYesod means the foundation. It is the HaYesod of my faith in Yeshua Ha Mashiah (Jesus the Messiah).


I was thinking and reading, and the more I read and thought the more ashamed I am at myself for all the way that I have lived my life in the past 51 years...You know the point of the gospel and the Torah (Old testament) is to make us realize that we need to repent of old stuff, get it out of our system, never to be brought up again. I am just as guilty, as sometimes I remember things I have done, and been ashamed and think of it as current in my memory. But God says once He forgives it, it is gone, done, forever forgotten by Him. So why can't I let go of things sometimes..

The point of repentance, (Teshuvah) in Hebrew, is to start all over, clean slate and to go towards something else. Well, if you are turning from the way of the world or to start anew and trying to serve God. How does one do that? What does one do, if you are turning from something? How do you know what to turn to?   That is to say that if we are to repent from the ways of the world, that we are constantly surrounded and bombarded with mentally and emotionally and physically every day...then to repent and turn from them is to stop. turn around. and go the complete opposite direction, right? How can you repent and turn from the ways of this world. As the Bible says even our hearts are wicked, within ourselves...So we can't even trust that! We have to have a standard to turn to. You can't say you will repent of something yet still look at it, dabble in it, surround yourself with little parts of it. If you aren't willing to give it up, you will be right back in it, before you know it...Trust me on this one!

TORAH is the standard! It is the simplest 5 books of rules of right living, and loving, and being neighborly, and being a good spouse, and a good friend. How to treat others, strangers, friends,animals, enemies. How to deal in business, and ways to treat others in all sorts of ways that we deal with people everyday. Laws of legal things.  We as a people, I believe have taken all the precious rules and guidelines for living put out in black and white for us from our Creator and just decided to make a smorgasbord out of them. We pick and choose which ones we like and ones we don't, and think that WE are the ones to make that determination. While most people say they believe in God, that there is one God, and the Bible is true. Then HOW do we decide to do what we do with the book we didn't write? It was written for us to show us how to live, love and praise our wonderful Creator. The Torah, or also called the Old Testament or the Laws of Moses(Moses got them from God at Mt Sinai on the tablets.) We not only have added to them and taken away from them, as definitely defined in the Torah as something NOT to do, or we shall be punished. Blessings for following and curses for not following. It just seems SO simple, yet 38,000 churches can't be wrong, can they? They basically have you believing what ever THEY want to teach you. And we listened all our lives. I went to the Southern Baptist Church for most of my life, from about 2 on. There are lots of well meaning pastors and churches out there that are teaching lies without even realizing it. And by my going and sitting there in those pews and hearing and listening, I never really READ the Bible (any) of it as carefully and methodically as I have in the past two years.

And that is what I have had to let go of. All the shame I have brought on the Father , God (YHVH). How can we do this?  And then we wonder why this world is in such a mess!!!??? THINK! If we are to be the people that love God, and we are following something(s) that He never knew of or did, then HOW can we be following Him? Such as keeping Christmas(HE isnt the reason for the season, check out Youtube, Wikipedia or others) just plain history will tell you that..AND Easter, is named after a sun god that was a fertility god. You think that celebrating that is true to HIM too?  That is like saying you are a turtle, but you eat shoelaces...They aren't in any part together at all.  We wonder when He will come for us. You really think that He will come, when HE said HE is waiting for all to be saved? Maybe what He is waiting for is all of us to get our selves out of Bablyon, out of the worldly churches...NONE of them celebrate the feast days, except WWCG. And I'm not sure about what they teach exactly. I DO know that God sent His son to teach us Torah (as He couldn't have been teaching us NT, as there WASNT a NT in the days of Jesus (Yeshua) walking on this earth. He, Paul, the disciples all taught Gods Holy Word, the Torah and the prophets.   We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God Romans 3:23. BUT it is important if we want this world back to a place where God is the head of it, and all things are wonderful again, then we, all of us that have any claim to God, need to start doing what He "said" through His men on Earth! Moses, Abraham Isaac and Jacob,Jesus. Through the sages of old that He inspired to write the scriptures of what Jesus said, through the Renewed covenant. I once heard , that "the Old in the new is revealed and the New in the Old concealed." Ponder on that. I believe that to be true. If you really want peace in your life. Really want to see miracles and blessings like you have never seen before. STOP. TURN AROUND. Start living the way that is laid out in the first five books of your Bible. Genesis through Deuteronomy..You can certainly read the rest, of it, I encourage it! But if you start from the front, you will see what is in store in the back, the whole front of the Bible is full of things written about in the New(RE-Newed) Testament. Everything, if you know what to look for. I just know, that by knowing this now...simple things like the fact that there are 12 Tribes, right? In church you are taught that the OT Old testament is for the Jews only. Was the 10 commandments given to the Jews only ? NOPE!  it was given to Moses to tell the "Children of Israel", so if you are a Child of Israel, just means you are a member of a family just means you are part of Israel (spiritually, grafted in through faith, not physically).  It doesnt mean you are Jewish. If you are from the tribe of Judah, you are a Jew, all the other 11 tribes are EVERYONE else. period. AND, if the Sabbath , was only for the Jews to keep, not the gentiles, then why did He call it MY SABBATHS, not the Jews Sabbaths, or the Tribe of Judah's Sabbaths? Not one ; not one, of the Commandments or statutes that He commands the Children of Israel is directed at just the Jews. But you are taught this in church that the Old(law) is done away.....OK...if that is true, why does it say in John (NEW) Testament, that "God forbid" The law(Torah) was done away with, but upheld and taught, not "abolished" and done away with. It wasn't done away with or changed by God,  by John or even by Paul. Paul's statement that "all that he knows "relating" to being Jewish is "rubbish" is only speaking to the fact that he has MORE knowledge now, and what he knows in the light of that , is "rubbish". Like me saying, that at the age of 50 the stuff I knew as a 20 yr old was "rubbish" as I am much more full of knowledge now...Do you see where I'm going with this? How do the pastors and churches, do this in right light in front of God? Don't they know that those that teach this will be the least in Heaven and those that teach what God wants, not changing or adding or taking away will be the most in the Kingdom of Heaven? . Why are we not listening ? Why are we not repenting to what we are doing to our God, our Master, the King of the Universe.??? We should all be ashamed of how we treat Him when He is so good to us, merciful and kind, gentle and endearing...We should all repent, Stop, turn around and walk toward His goodness and mercy, His Torah, His laws for right living. The ones that JESUS Himself KEPT! So if we follow Jesus, what should we be keeping?   Paul, even after he came to know Jesus and "converted" from being a Pharisee,(Rabbinical Judaism),(He didn't convert to Christianity, he was still a Jewish believer in Yeshua),(another "lie" we are told in the church) still taught in the Synagogues, KEPT Torah and all the dietary laws. He didn't toss them out, and if we are to follow the Savior, the Messiah, and by Him coming to earth He was sent here for one reason and one only. That was to save us from the eternal death. Period. Nothing more, nothing less.  God knew we couldn't follow it perfectly, only Yeshua(Jesus) could. So that is it. NOT to follow another religion. Jesus was and is a JEW. Born a Jew, died a Jew and was resurrected a JEW, so let me ask you something?? If your Savior is Jewish and you are His child. then what does that make YOU? It makes you a fellow follower and participant in His ways. If Jesus kept the Sabbath(7th day) Friday sundown to Saturday sundown), kept the Feasts of the Lord( Passover, Pentecost, Sukkot, Trumpets, Day of Atonement), then if we follow HIM, why aren't we? In churches they sing that song, "Step by Step"( "He'll lead me and I will walk in all of His ways").something to think about huh? It does NOT make you part of the Jewish religion  of today, they are a separate tribe,(of Judah) like I mentioned before.  We are a  follower of Christ(or as we say, follower of Yeshua ). Which means to say, if you are not keeping it the way He did, or even trying, you are taking away from the words of God, if you try to do it on your own, and you are NOT doing it as HE did , which means you aren't following HIM, are you?  We will be responsible for knowing the truth and not doing it. What does He say to some? "Get away from me you who practice lawlessness" (meaning if you are not practicing HIS LAW,(not just the 10 commandments either) written by God, then you are practicing lawlessness. And you are adding to the Word of God, you are giving Him great pain, I believe. You know what it is like when one of your children hurts YOU? Just think of the the sorrow we are doing to HIM?   I am not telling you this because I am holier than thou, or think I'm special.. But I am telling you this, as I have not just picked this up recently. I really believe that my journey, of going to Israel twice and also being a converted Jew, in the orthodox faith (like the Pharisees, were(I'm not saying that all Orthodox Jews are that way now, but some of the groups out there are)  and I now see the difference, between what the Torah actually says(from God's speaking it/writing it down), and what the Pharisees tried to make it with all their extra laws and guidelines, so I understand this really well. What we should have now is the Spirit( having written the Torah in our hearts , so we can follow it so much easier, closer, right there, in our hearts! And I am learning new things all the time., but I just wanted to give you something to chew on, some of what I have been learning. I am not telling you this to offend anyone, but to help all my friends, learn that Torah is for all ,  If God spoke it, and Jesus taught it, WE should be following it. Makes perfect sense to me.I hope you will give it thought and prayer, and ask the Spirit to guide you. I have never been so blessed in all my years. It has been amazing, and I have lost some friends over it too, believe me. But I want to be with Him at His feet in Heaven, so I figured I needed to really check it out, and discover it for myself. Torah is true!

 I love learning new things about Him, and it helps me in my walk with Him, to be close to Him to allow His spirit to rule in my heart and to have his Torah and words written on my heart. I am so blessed to know Him this way. It is a grand canyon difference than the way I knew him as just saying " sinners prayer" and back to the world as usual. If you want something really really mind blowing as part of your faith. Try Torah, it will rock your world in ways you won't believe. I pray for all of you each day, that you will see more of the love of the Torah not as a curse, but as a delight and blessing. Blessings and Shalom!(Peace).


Susan Smith said...

Excellent blog, Shoshana! And good encouragement for others of us who are feeling discouraged by the ways of the world and all of the lies our friends and families believe. It's such a blessing to have a "new" family. Love ya! <3

Shoshi said...

thanks, Susan!

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