Friday, July 13

The rock has glasses

For the past few days, we have been looking for a family member's glasses!  They lost them and couldn't remember where they dropped, or if they had just been misplaced. So, on the journey we go, looking, searching, thinking, PRAYING, asking around town "have you found a pair of glasses?", thinking more, talking it out, you know, the usual routine when you have lost an item.

You know in the Bible, there were  times where God "hid" himself in the "cleft of the rock", or hid His face from others, so they could only see His back. I had been praying that God would reveal them to me right in on we two, no glasses, day three, no glasses..."Abba, Father", I prayed, "Help us!, I don't know where they are." Interestingly enough, there had been a TV show on several nights prior to this, and if you don't think what goes around comes around, think again...We were watching and this person on the show lost their glasses, then, found them mangled and totally unusable, beyond repair. And a comment was made, somewhat joking and somewhat snidely, about it, from the "peanut gallery"...I said, never joke about that because you never know when it could happen to YOU!..And guess what, the next day.....this was revealed to me later,  as I said that I thought maybe the missing glasses were God trying to "show" something, SEE something differently...refocusing...

After searching and looking and back and forth all over the place, leaving no stone unturned, or so we thought....We went back down to the river spot, where we get cool and healing waters of the river, metaphorically washing all the worries away of the day...but as had been done day after  day, searching, at the river bank, there was nothing, so we thought.  As I looked down, I say " Oh my gosh!, I don't believe it!", As I picked them up, in sheer amazement, I hear a voice behind me, saying "NO WAY!"  "I said praise God!", I didn't do anything but walk and look down..God kept them there, for us to find at the right time..we thought they were just gone, probably rolled over by a truck on the highway, but... there,  sort of under a  large reddish brown  rock, were the glasses, sitting there, as if waiting to be discovered. They were hidden in a cleft of that rock, so as not to float down stream as they were plastic not metal frames...there they were, right by our little "spot in the river", just as they were dropped, one of the lenses had even fallen out, but thankfully with  a pair of goggles, seeing under the water, there they were also~ unscratched, uncracked and unbroken, was amazing, as the glasses had been looked for over the three days and probably were stepped on or over, but hidden, remained unscathed. .I know that this was a reminder of sometimes how we all are, we are all human, and we think, even when trying not to, judging, "how can they be so fat?", or "how can she let them get away with that, she musn't be a good mom.", or "wow, he lost his glasses, kinda  1/2 giggling (better them than me) we think.  Always watch what you think, say or ask/hope and even pray for...

This is how I see our relationship with God. He lets us SEE how it feels, sometimes with that same scenario, or sometimes something more sculptured for us, but a reminder just the same. That through all the stepping over and on that we get by the world, He keeps us in the cleft of His Rock, in His arms, under His wing, for protection and His glory. He kept thanking me and saying how wonderful it was I found them, I said, I can't take the credit, only God can. And I was merely a conduit, for God to use to acheive His purpose. As I believe each thing we do for and because we love HIM merits His favor, and He does things for us to show His approval. Just like a parent rewarding good behavior...He is our Father, after all.  "Baruch HaShem", "Thanks be to our God!". 

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