Below, is our little "spot" that Marty made for us, sort of a place to lay down or sit and just let the water go over you and really relax you, and cool you off (when its 85 out, or 93 like yesterday!!) The water is going down stream over you, so its like taking your cares away and taking them down stream! I love that analogy!!...The top pic is a view, looking up stream, off to the right you can see the "spot" under the also has a little sandy "beach" area under the bridge, so we made a little "bench" under it and its really fun for us, quiet, romantic, and very sweet memory for me always. Further up on the top left, you can see a grassy area, that is where we were headed...

Today we went further out into the river or creek(crick) as we call it LOL!, upstream....walking in the water, really a great exercise, I was thinking about all sorts of things as I walked. The feel of the water pulling against me, the rocks on the bottom, my foot feeling the rocks as I went, making sure not to slip and fall, trying not to look down too much, not to get dizzy...haha. Letting the breeze and the water comfort me. Its amazing how nature gives you so many ideas for projects, I let them come in my mind, then lay them aside, as it is Shabbat, and I try not to think "business" during it.(try is a huge word, hey, I'm still human!)
Anyway, I started from our little spot and the went upstream to where hubby and the doggies were on the little grassy island, Buster, looking for frogs or turtles...and trout! He loves chasing them, very fascinated by the fish! Ru on the other hand, just like any 5 year old, loves to get wet and clean, then go and get dirty in the grass and mud/sand before you turn around again! LOL
Its very quiet here. No noise, the very occasional person driving by over the bridge, but you can hear the wind blow through the trees, the grass move with the doggies running through it, the birds chirping, the water flowing over the rocks, its amazing to have such quiet....we love that. Great meditation time... On the way back upstream, walking, Marty showed me these little "bugs" called Periwinkles..they attach themselves to pieces of wood in the river, and to protect themselves from fish that like to eat them, they "roll" in the gravel and sand on the bottom, to make like a little "pod/ sleeping bag" for themselves. its quite pretty actually, looks like a mosaic artwork, each one is individual and unique, very cool and I guess the crunchiness makes them less of a target, as without that they are sort of 1/2 worm, 1/2 beetle...funny grasshopper heads, beetle pincers and worm bodies. :)
I thought I would add in a pic from last winter too... Same area.. right now, the temp of the water is like bath water...during the winter IT. IS. COLD!!!. Its truly amazing how something can be so different, yet so much the same. You can see under the bridge and our little "spot", almost frosted in.. the very first winter we were here, 2009, we actually could "walk on the river" NOT in the was TOTALLY FROZEN! It was an adventure for sure. Iced completely, we could see through some of the ice to the rocks below. Some frozen 1/2 under and 1/2 above the water, just frozen in time waiting for the summer to come.. the past couple winters haven't frozen this river totally. Anyway, just wanted to share a little of our Shabbat today...then we came home, took a nap, had some awesome salad, and some tea later...Its been a great day! Shavuah Tov (or have a great week!).
Very good words, Shoshana. You write so well. I love the peace & quiet here at our relaxing/calming. Your pics are very nice and as, Marty & the boys enjoy the time spent together by the river! I sometimes think about our little creek in Columbia City. Miss it. Julie
thanks Julie! It was a great place, and fond memories!
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