Monday, September 26

Cleaning house ~ Bible things in Bible ways...

Recently, we have been looking into making some major changes..

First, we are going back to biblical sabbath, Friday night to Saturday,  we will no longer be keeping Christmas. I have a pin, I used to wear proudly, to "keep Christ in Christmas", however, if you look back far enough, he was never in it in the first place.  Unfortunately, we have been led to believe that Christmas and other church holidays are Holy and Biblical, but they aren't. They aren't mentioned in the Bible, at all!. Another point, is that no where in the Bible does it reference to "keep His birthday", Or does it really mention when that was. But just from the description of it in Luke, we can be sure that it wasnt in December. It states that "sheperds were in the fields , tending their flocks by night", that would have been more likely about Sept/October, as before winter, they used to put up thier animals, and weren't tending them at night in the winter time.... And even as early as the 1600 in Massachusettes, they BANNED anyone from observing Christmas, because they were trying to get away from the confines of the English church, and wanted to make sure they were having "their" religion, not the one they left.  Also, if you study all the literature and information way back to the Bible days, there was a lot of worship of sun gods and other gods, not our God. And these particular gods, Semiramis and Nimrod, were part of it. Their personas were part of Easter, and others parts of Christmas and Valentines Day, New years, etc.... If you don't believe me, I actually really want you to check out  The videos and podcasts by Jim Staley are amazing, they are filled with truth and info that in the back of my mind has been there for a long time, but I kept going to a "mainstream church" and they never fit! I tried!!! I have also studied this on my own. I believe that you won't see it, unless you go looking for it, but its not mentioned in the Bible, so why shoud I be doing it? Doesnt the Bible say pretty clearly not to take away or to add to it?, Or you will be cursed????? In several places it states that...and knowing what I know now, and I am certain that it is the TRUTH, then I will continue to study and follow it. Consider it a "college course or seminary course for yourself" . Most won't watch because they are afraid of having to give up something...but you will love the information in the podcasts. And you will learn interesting things about how the roman ruler Constantine, changed most things in the early days to make it easier for 1st century "followers of the way" to convert to his way. changing dates, names of days, actually telling those that followed what Jesus (Yeshua) followed, they would be put to death if they didnt follow and have "sunday" sabbath instead. Jesus didn't worship on Sunday, why should I?  There is proof of it in history, and in the Apocrypha, in Maccabees, it states that there were actually some that hid in a cave to continue celebrating sabbath on the seventh (SATURDAY), day and were lit on fire and died, because they chose to follow God and not Constantine. On a purely moral note, we teach our kids not to stretch the truth, or lie, and yet Christmas and Easter, we do it all the time.... Did you know that in the 16th Century, communities had theatres, and they would come together for plays, and when the 'villian" or devil would come on stage, he would say "Ho Ho Ho", before his entrance....Similar to reading the book of Esther, in the synagogue at Purim, when Hamans name is mentioned, everyone "boos" or has a loud toy that they shake in the air, at the name of this hideous person!

Easter, is even worse, as Semiranis, is masqueraded as Ishtar, or Astarte, or Ashtara, or EASTER....if you know the story behind this, it will make you mad and sad. she claimed to have a virgin birth, just like Mary, and Nimrod, claimed himself to be like Jesus even though all this was YEARS before Christ came....All the years we have wasted, celebrating holidays that we thought were meant unto our God, that were started with sun worshippers in the early times...I had to ask God for fogiveness for celebrating his birth on the birthday of Nimrod, a sun god,  who through the years and centuries, became Odin, Sinterklaas, Santa claus, etc....yep!, the great grandson of Noah. From the line of Ham, Noah's son....Get out your encyclopedia and dictionary, and Bible study info and your history books, you will see that just cuz we sing songs about Jesus and have little manger scenes, does not mean we are worshipping Christ! We just say and think we are, that the trees, are actually fertility symbols of phalic design. And it goes on and on and on...

I am studying on and on, but it makes me wonder now, did Christ actually come to earth to change religions, or did he come to show us how his Father wanted it done, and to save us from having to die a second death and go to Hell, that we can go to Heaven,  to be with the Father, if we have faith in God and also do as he asked,(as it does say in scripture that "faith without works is a dead faith", and works without faith is dead also....gotta go hand in hand. We are to follow the rules that he has set before us, not for salvation,  but just because He is God and we are show our commitment and love for and to Him. I dont know about you, but we are going to start finding out about the Biblical holydays....not the pagan rooted holidays...So , passover, feast of weeks, feast of tabernacles, feast of trumpets, feast of dedication here we come...I think my husband put it best....he said, "its a change of lifestyle". I could'nt agree more...

And now we are going to worship the one TRUE God, the God of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob the way HE wants to be worshipped, and they way He worshipped God,  when He was here on the earth, not a way that he wouldn't even recognize today!  Since he is my Saviour and Messiah, I will make sure for the rest of my life to worship Him in Spirit and in TRUTH, because it also says in the scripture  "the Truth shall set you free." The choice is yours.  If you love him with all your heart soul and being, then you should make sure you are worshipping Him the way He wants, I mean, He is a jealous God, right?  I am going to please my Heavenly Father in the best way that I know how, and I'm glad I am starting to seek and find the truth...This is just the beginning, I am finding out so much and learning so many new things and ways, in the past year than the past 51...amazing...So its another new adventure in the little cabin in the woods in Montana....

This is just a beginning, I will try to add more as I come accross it...

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