Thursday, March 1

Bead different!

 As most of you know, I have been trying to get my beading shop up and going...I have been doing various things for about a year now...I have asked God in prayer to help my shop grow, show me what I need to do for it to grow, or change it up completely and show me a new direction...Well, one day, I started to play with some string, and wrapping it and playing with it, then someone asked if I made them, and interestingly enough, I had just started making them for myself and I recently had been studying in the Bible, about the mitzvah(commandment) of Tzitzits or Tassels.  There are the big 10 commandments, and then there are 603 more, that have summation in the big 10! One of them is Numbers 15:37-40, paraphrasing it says. That the children of Israel are to put tassels on their four cornered garments, and to put a thread of blue in them.  To remember YHVH (God) and His words, His commandments, and not to follow after our own eyes and hearts. Since I am following the paths of Christ and His followers, as close as I can,  while He was here on Earth, those are the ones that usually wear them, other than some males in the Orthodox Jewish world.  We that wear them currently with the blue in them are known as Messianic Christians/Jews or Hebrew Roots followers of Christ the Messiah (Yeshua haMashiach). Meaning that we read the Bible, accept the Torah, first 5 books of the Bible, as life's little instruction booklet,  try to follow God's teachings from start to finish, and believe that He sent His Son, Yeshua to die for our sins, and will return for His followers someday, and take us to Heaven. We still use computers, use iPhones, etc., watch TV,  go to the movies, read biblical as well as  non biblical books listen to all types of music, and we let our kids play sports, we don't sit and study and pray all day long....We laugh, have fun, being a little crazy and sometimes silly.( Even putting leopard lampshades on our heads), we love to eat,  we love our husbands, friends and family just like everyone else does. We still can dress fashionably or jeans/skirts (meaning most of us don't dress like "Little house on the Prairie"!)most of us are fairly modest in our dress code tho..  We do drive, some of us WORK inside the home, and some of us have jobs outside the home, we eat out in restaurants,  we like to go shopping, etc..we just try to do Biblical things in Biblical ways ~(sorry Jim Staley, Passion for Truth ministries, had to steal the motto!)

Most people say that the verse isn't for us, but the Jews.  If you study it closely, God is talking about all of the tribes of Israel, collectively. The tribes of Israel which is all included and the tribe of Judah, which is the Jews, have taken this on.  Yeshua (Jesus) wore them.  That should be reason enough, and because Our Father said so... Not all people wear them. Depending on what they believe is the Truth about God, and His son, Yeshua, and what is correct and Holy holidays and days to observe Sabbath.  Some think we have come to the age of enlightenment, and new thoughts and new ways are for us today, not to go back and follow the "ancient paths" which it also says to "inquire about" in the Bible. Maybe there is a point to that...Seems like the further we go ahead, the more behind we get. Do you ever notice that? In just about everything...I know that God wants what is best for us, and going "progressively forward" isn't always the best for anyone. I also don't know that going way back is the right thing either. I think that if we stayed with the original laws and instructions, there would be a lot less issues in this world!  But usually if everyone knows what could come if you do this or that, then most will conform and do good  Ok, the stoning thing should go. And from my standpoint, drugs are good if you are in labor, no sitting on your neighbors lap, or out in the field and birthing those kids out!! LOL . The thing about wearing the tassels, is that even if I start to think one way...they are there to remind me, sort of like electric shock collars, without the electricity! (thankfully, or no one would want to wear them).  while I am walking, I can feel them with my hands, and sometimes I grab on to them, sort of like a "blankie" you know? They are an immense comfort to the wearer. I know that it may look a little "different" , but then you have to ask yourself, since when does high fashion, not? And I can't think of anything more HIGH fashion, than doing what my Father in Heaven expects of me, not just with my thoughts, but with how I dress, deal with others, talk, write, think, etc....I'm okay with that...We need to get back to the idea that just because someone is different, doesn't mean they are weird, or bad...maybe they are just "different". That is what makes us all different, we weren't supposed to all be the same. We have to appreciate the good and interesting in others, to really appreciate that in ourselves.

The main reason of wearing Tassels or in Hebrew "Tzitzits" (zeets seets), is that it is commanded, for the Children of Israel, not the country of Israel, but the Children of the Most High, which is all of us in reference. It is to keep me from going my own way, looking into my own desires and paths. Keeping to the script, you could say. Trying to do the right thing, say the right thing, not looking and doing what I shouldn't be doing.  Trying to utlize ancient wisdom,  the old paths, looking to ancient times, and ways...Why is it, we look to the new and never worn paths?  While I read "Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert, she wrote about travelling to find herself.  After her divorce and thoughts, picked up and went to Italy, to eat, India to pray and Bali to love.  All religions, have prayer beads, or rosaries, or something to make them think of the Higher Power, to make themselves STOP and try to relate to God and bring about peace and connectivity to themselves through each other.  That is what Tzitzits are, basically , they are the first "WWJD" bracelet, sortof.  You don't wear them on your arm, you wear them on the four corners of your garments.  I always put a thread of blue in them as we are commanded, and some would say that only men are to wear them, but even in Judaism there are many rabbis that disagree with that thought, saying that to observe beyond your actual limit,is to be desired and commended.

1 comment:

Jerelene said...

Hi Shoshana,
I sent you a friend request on facebook. I am interested in getting some tzi-tzi's from you:) I hope I spelled that right:) If you friend me on facebook, maybe I can get with you to have you make some for me! Shalom:) Jerelene

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