Thursday, July 12

week or weak?

We have been home from our vacation a little short of a week now...And even though we had a great time, we were both really tired from the drive, especially him ,as he did all the driving on the way home! 10 hrs straight, except potty stops and coffee fills...(potty for doggies and coffee for us, haha!), mostly anyway. I was really weak the first couple days, but getting back on the wagon again....I was tired and sore from all the walking on Saturday at the beach at the Oregon coast! But well worth it, as others that went on Sunday, said the weather was awful and really cold...We got like 75 degrees and just lovely!! Water perfect temperature...I believe we were especially blessed...or was it just cuz we were visiting??? I write , you decide...haha

We got to spend time with family. Got to see so many friends, got to look around at things in a different way than when we were there before. We were at sea level, and we live about 4800 ft above sea level...the weather was hot, but not scorching, here its really HOT and very dry. there was not so hot, but really humid. so again, some things seem different , until you experience them after you have been away for awhile.I did notice that my allergies were GONE while we were gone, the minute we got back, itchy watery eyes and stuffed noses...funny huh? I thought alot about things while we were there, friendships, family, how all things work together for those that love the Lord! Its really true! I was sad when we had to leave, but realized that I get to see them all again, maybe sooner than thought..Its always a pleasure to see old and new friends..I saw ones I had never met and then saw some I hadn't seen in over 30 years.

I am not always sure that absence makes the heart grow fonder, as they say...We DO miss our friends and family..I have several that keep saying, "I'm selfish, and I wish you were back here", but really and truthfully, I am selfish that way too, as I miss my friends that I have known for years and years...But there is something that makes you realize somethings, when you go "home" and you see things in a different light, than when you were "little" lets say....One of my friends and I were going around our old neighborhood, finding our old houses and haunts. She said "its funny how the houses looked farther back off the street when we were little, than they do now"..Did the houses MOVE? NO, our perspective changed. The house was always there that way, and the yard that once seemed the size of Disneyland, was just a postage stamp, but at the time, seemed humongous! All through our lives, things change, people change, (or not), growing and making themselves into things they wish for their lives, rather than what their parents wanted for their lives...Everything seems the same, until you go away for awhile, and then things seem "different". That is the best part of going "home" is that some of the things you thought were "different" were the same, but your perspective changed. Things are never as bad as they seem. The grass ISN"T always greener on the other side..One apple CAN spoil the whole bunch. Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD. all these sayings from our childhood, now have totally different meanings, because we have grown up and changed our perspective of things...and you realize that sometimes , the grass is only greener on the other side, because someone watered it. Meaning that bloom where you are planted, be happy where you are in all cirmcumstances, and you will find that even all that isn't gold...glitters...

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